Asanonenshi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) establishes the following Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) for the appropriate handling and protection of customer’s personal information, and complies with the Personal Information Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as “the Personal Information Protection Law”) and other related laws, regulations, and guidelines.

Organization Name
Asanonenshi Co., Ltd.
875-1 Naka, Achi-cho, Anpachi-gun, Gifu Prefecture, 503-0124, Japan
Masami Asano
Definitions of Terms Used in this Policy
The terms used in this policy shall be based on examples used in the Personal Information Protection Law.
Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
The purpose as which the Company collects and uses information are as follows:
  • Answering inquiries from users (Includes verification of individual identity)
  • In order to notify of maintenance, important notifications and other necessary communications
  • For purposes related to the above reasons
Proper Acquisition of Personal Information
  • The Company shall acquire personal information through proper means and will not acquire information through falsehoods and other fraudulent means
  • The Company, except where permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations, will not acquire personal information with first receiving prior consent from the customer.
Change of Purpose in Use
  • The Company will change purpose of use, only if deemed necessary and relevant to the purpose before change
  • In the event that the Company changes the purpose of use, the customer will be notified post change through the Company’s notification method and website.
Third Party Distribution of Personal Information
  • The Company, except for the following reasons, will not provide personal information of customers to third parties without prior consent. However this shall not apply to exemptions made by the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.
    • When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain consent.
    • When it is necessary to improve public health or proper and safe upbringing of children and is difficult to obtain consent.
    • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, local governments or an individual that is entrusted by such an entity, and to notify the individual would interfere with the execution of such affairs.
    • When the following matters has been announced in advance and the Personal Information Protection Commission has been notified:
      • Purpose of use includes provision to third parties
      • Provision of data to third parties
      • As a method of provision to third parties
      • Suspension of provision of personal information per requests of the individual
      • As a means to receive requests from the individual
  • When it is necessary for personal data to be entrusted to a third party in order to achieve the Company’s purpose of use.
    • When it is necessary for personal data to be entrusted to a third party in order to achieve the Company’s purpose of use.
    • When personal data is provided due to the succession of business through merger or other reasons.
    • When personal data is jointly used based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law.
Disclosure of Personal Information
  • When an individual requests for the disclosure of personal information, the Company shall promptly disclose it to the individual. However, if disclosing such information falls under the following cases, the Company may not disclose all or part of it. The Company shall promptly notify the individual if such a decision is made. Additionally, a fee of 1,000 yen per request will be charged for the disclosure of personal information.
    • When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights of the individual or a third party.
    • When there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper implementation of the Company’s business.
    • When it would violate other laws and regulations.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information other than personal browsing history and characteristic information will generally not be disclosed.
Correction or Deletion of Personal Information
  • If an individual finds that their personal information held by the Company is incorrect, they may request the correction, addition, or deletion (hereinafter referred to as “correction, etc.”) of the personal information from the Company through the procedure established by the Company.
  • If the Company determines that it is necessary to respond to a request from an individual under the preceding paragraph, the Company shall promptly carry out the correction, etc., of the relevant personal information.
  • When the Company has made corrections, etc., based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or when it has made a decision not to make corrections, etc., the Company shall promptly notify the individual.
Use of Cookies and other Technologies
  • For the purpose of improving our services, the Company may send text files called “cookies” to the storage devices of customers’ computers, store and use them, or utilize similar technologies. Customers can disable cookies by changing the settings of their web browser, but disabling cookies may prevent customers from using some or all of the functions of our services.
    • On this website, access information is analyzed using Google Analytics. Cookies are used for analyzing access information. Additionally, the collection of access information can be denied by disabling cookies. For information about Google’s data collection and processing mechanisms, please refer to theGoogle policy.
  • While we strive for the accuracy of the information posted on this website, the Company shall not be held responsible for any actions taken by individuals using the information on this website.
  • The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by individuals or any damages caused by individuals to third parties as a result of using this website.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
  • Except for matters stipulated separately in laws or other provisions of this Policy, the contents of this Policy may be changed without prior notice to users.
  • Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the revised Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on this website. .
Contact Information
Inquiries regarding this Policy will be accepted via thisinquiry form.